Friday, November 6, 2009

The Army Way

Hurry up and wait.
I spent yesterday waiting. Waiting to get information on a shooting. waiting to hear what happened. Waiting to see if the people who are my extended family were OK. Waiting, waiting, waiting, Hurry and wait. It's an old army saying.. and its true to every letter. I spent many a day standing around all day waiting on a mission to be accomplished before I could start mine. It's rather ironic how it follows you everywhere.
After all that waiting, I heard from my people. Some were hurt, all were OK and alive. Waiting stopped and relief stepped in. That actual full breath and actual full release of tension you didn't know you were carrying. You know that feeling, right?
Finally, I spoke to one of my injured friends and I asked matter of factly how they were. The response still makes me smile: "Everyday above ground is a good day."
I don't pretend to know much about any other branch life but Army. I was born into it from a long line ahead of me, and made the choice to continue it in my own life. When I say I bleed green, I am fairly certain I really do! I am proud of every person who joins the armed services, its a great gift they give to their Country, but I will admit, I play favorites with the Army. They are my kind of people. They are the people who are trained to be expert shots, who can pull apart and reassemble a weapon in quick time. Who can sleep on rocks, sleep on rumbling trucks, wear the same clothes for a week straight. They sit in foxholes, march in the dark of the night, bang down doors and train in the rain. And here is the best part: in all of that, in the misery and the dank, you can still hear laughter. Hearty, happy laughter. The spirit endures. Not looking at the reasons to be mad and annoyed, but finding happiness in the moment.
"Everyday above ground is a good day"
And that's the Army way.