Friday, January 18, 2008


Ever been so happy and you don't really know why?
It could be a million things...
the kids cleaning their rooms unasked,
getting a good parking spot,
getting work done ahead of schedule...
bills all paid and money left over,
your favorite movie is on TV,
but whatever that "thing" is..
or all of them put together...
it makes you so happy..
so blissfully happy,
that you don't want the day to end,
that you don't want the moment to fade
that you don't want to remember what unhappiness is..
and you are just so very thankful for it.
That's me today--
that's me now
feeling the zen...

A ball of a time.

My new workout consists entirely of the ball. I sit on the ball to do weights. I sit on the ball to do sit ups. I lay on the ball to do back sit ups-- I am pretty sure that's the technical name for it. I LAY on the ball in a plank like formation to do more weights. It is not a graceful act. Scratch that... my BFF does it and she looks graceful-- therefor, it is not a graceful act for me. I tend to be cussing quietly under my tongue.. with a look of annoyance on my face.. and that takes the grace right out of the picture. My question is this: when did a ball become not fun? I look at balls now and my stomach immediately remembers to hold itself in. One would think with a giant silver ball to sit on, a workout would be fun! One would be mistaken. My scary trainer has us doing it on the ball because it saves time and works out several areas all at once. While this can be seen as a good thing, currently sitting here typing is making my abs ache.
All because of a ball.