Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey! What's this weird thing on my car?

I have road rage. I don't mean to, it just happens. Everyday. But I really shouldn't. It is an avoidable situation. I admit I am a fast (er) driver than most, but I don't think my driving skills are any different than others. Here is the main point in my driving that I find that many.. MANY.. others lack.
I use my mirrors.
I look in them often.
If I see, say, a LINE of people  forming in back of me I say to myself  'Why Self.. it looks like these people might be going faster than you so perhaps you should move over to the less fast lane and let them pass!" I then use said mirrors and move aside. What I find so impossible to understand is why it seems such a foreign thing for other people to do the same thing. I can not tell you how many times I have been stuck behind a slow driver going (ack!) the speed limit in the fast lane of the freeway. Daydreaming about what to eat for dinner, talking on the phone, happily looking at the scenery, none should be done from the fast lane. If you feel the need to conserve gas, avoid tickets, .. whatever.. please do it in the slow lane. If I get a ticket on my way to the next gas station, that is my business. But sitting in the lane, scooting along at a snails pace, building a long line for miles behind you is just rude. And I can't help but wonder.... who are these people in real life? Do they ever notice situations around them? Do they go to the grocery, park in the middle of the aisle as they walk away to grab an item? Do they stand at the checkout of the store and text people while a line awaits behind them? Are these the same people who balance their checkbook in the kiss and go line at the kids school? Just where did these people learn manners?? Cuz lets face it.. that's what it boils down to. Being aware of others beside yourself.  In my opinion, most problems can be solved this way. Plus it is very zen.
Mirrors: not just a shiny ornament anymore!!
Road Rage: a thing of the past if mirrors are used correctly.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Holy Hair Batman

I have curly hair. Or wavy. Or straight. I have about $500 worth of product under and over my sink to make my hair be whatever I choose it to be that day.. all while looking natural. Of course, if I let my hair air dry from the shower on any given day, it would be curly. I hate it. I have to put extra goo on it to tame it. You know how you hear stories of old men sitting on a porch and they are able to tell the upcoming weather by how their knees hurt? That's me.. but with hair. I can spend an hour in my climate controled bathroom straightening it, making it shine and look silky, then walk outside to a humid day and it acts like a spring board. Insta curls.
Today, I went for some much needed girl time with.. well.. the girls. When we gathered in the local park to eat our lunches, we were basking in the sun. My hair was straightened and blowing softly in the wind, and in my mind, I am sure looking very modelisque and elegnat. However, the sun soon went to hide behind clouds and as the day grew darker with the swollen clouds, my hair inched its way up my head. Currently, even my bangs are in a wavy motion. It is ridiculous. Why do I fight it you ask? Because its not always curly! If the weather is warm, it is limp and drab. If the weather is wet or humid, its wicked curly. If it's a "normal" California day, it borders on wavy. It's enough to make your head hurt.. the constant watching of the weather to dictate how you will wear your hair. I envy the straight haired friends of mine with their glorious long constant straight hair, regardless of the shift in weather.
Oh look! It's must be calling for rain, my hair just switched to wicked curly. I'll be on the porch with the old men....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Look! There goes childhood whooshing by!

Recently, Robbie came downstairs singing a merry little tune that I instantly recognized. I was astounded that he was singing an old song that I have heard countless times without paying attention to it, but he obviously had. It's an oldy but a goody, he came down the stairs singing an old Kenny Rogers song, Lucille. In it, there is a line that says..

"You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with 4 hungry children and a crop in the fields."

However, the red head came down singing a much better version...

"You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with 400 children and a crop in the fields" ... (snicker) The best part is when he looked at me sincerely and said "That's a lot of kids!". Precious!

It reminds me of the all the things they do that are innocent and pure, that are quickly changing. Austin used to have trouble with the sound "c" so he decided the replacement of "t" would suit him better. Years of saying "where's the blue tar? I want tandy please. I don't like take for my birthday." used to bring a smile to my face. Those days are gone now and all I hear is the latest slang coming out of their precious mouths. "My bad. That's sic. What up??" I miss the innocence and it saddens me it is robbed from them so quickly. They are in such a hurry to grow up! And that's OK for the most part. But days like today, well.. I miss my very little boys.

You really did pick a fine time to leave me Lucille....