Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Look! There goes childhood whooshing by!

Recently, Robbie came downstairs singing a merry little tune that I instantly recognized. I was astounded that he was singing an old song that I have heard countless times without paying attention to it, but he obviously had. It's an oldy but a goody, he came down the stairs singing an old Kenny Rogers song, Lucille. In it, there is a line that says..

"You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with 4 hungry children and a crop in the fields."

However, the red head came down singing a much better version...

"You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with 400 children and a crop in the fields" ... (snicker) The best part is when he looked at me sincerely and said "That's a lot of kids!". Precious!

It reminds me of the all the things they do that are innocent and pure, that are quickly changing. Austin used to have trouble with the sound "c" so he decided the replacement of "t" would suit him better. Years of saying "where's the blue tar? I want tandy please. I don't like take for my birthday." used to bring a smile to my face. Those days are gone now and all I hear is the latest slang coming out of their precious mouths. "My bad. That's sic. What up??" I miss the innocence and it saddens me it is robbed from them so quickly. They are in such a hurry to grow up! And that's OK for the most part. But days like today, well.. I miss my very little boys.

You really did pick a fine time to leave me Lucille....


Kayris said...

J still has trouble with the L sound. I'm waiting, knowing it'll fix itself soon and be gone forever. It's so weird, because I have friends and families having babies and we're really past that stage. And sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday.

And the Lucille song is definitely better than what mine sang this morning--repeated verses of Old McDonald had a butt/poop/toot/etc.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Ha ha, that's awesome!

That song always cracked me up.

mumple said...

It's awesome that he sang that...just exactly that way! His way is better than Kenny's anyday!

The Howler used to be wonderful, especially at Christmas, for *murderizing* the language...but this past year, I gots nuttin'! I almost cried!