If you work from home, just skip this post all together. You are probably experiencing the same thing right now and will nod you head in vicious agreement and say a version of "Amen Sista" to your screen. For the rest of you, I am taking the time to tell you this: working from home is the procrastinators playground. And like a playground, it is open and luring during daylight hours. This is why I tend to write at night, but I am also mildly attached to sleeping, so I really should focus on getting my writing down in the day. I am on a deadline. I should be head bent working on a piece right now. And I was. Except, I got hungry. I got up to go grab a bite and saw the breakfast dishes needed washing. I took care of them quickly and noticed a smell coming from the garbage disposal. Pour some sanitizer down there and go into the living room and light the candle. Oh look! I meant to put away those socks under the table last night, lean to grab them and notice the dust bunnies under the sofa are breeding again. Go into the laundry room to throw the socks and get the broom and figure throw a load in while I am in there. Go back and sweep under the sofa and then back into the kitchen to prepare my food because by now I am near fainting of hunger. No possible way to write now. Bring my leftover dinner to the desk to multi task and write while eating and notice the wind chimes are outside blowing hard. Better move them before my neighbors complain. While out there, fix the table cloth on the patio table that is flapping in the wind. Come back in and take a bit of food and wander into the kitchen. How could I have forgotten my drink? Back to the desk to sit and ponder my words.
Start, delete, restart.
Stare out the window at the sunlit back yard. Wonder if I should make a planter box out of the kids old beds.. that is green to the core right? What a good mom I would be reusing wood for something family driven. Look up plans on the Internet. Wait.. didn't I have a book about that over here?
Hold on. Focus. Deadline.
In my blog.
Ladies and gents... the playground is open.
Have you seen my Zen?