Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The power of zen

Some of you wonder about my zen title. I earned this title the hard way. My sister dubbed me the zenmama when I was pregnant with my oldest and was sick to my stomach. She would rub my back and whisper.. you are a zen mama... and it has stuck. Still to this day when I feel sick.. I can hear her whisper, you are the zen mama.
My sister is truly the most zen person I know. While I have the nickname, if you know me at all --you know that as for me and my house-- we are not so zen. My sis however, is for reals zen. She meditates in a Korean Buddhist Zen Center.. and as of last night, I was informed that she is going to be a Zen Nun. All that I learn about harmony and peace, I learn from her. She is one with the earth and I am scattering across it.
The great thing is... being that its just the two of us.. we take great joy in giggling over ridiculous stuff. When she told me she is going to be a zen nun, I immediately said.. a Zen mama and a Zen nun.. and then we laughed and laughed. Then, she added... that while she is meditating in a Zen Center.. she is working .. in the Catholic church doing office work. I mean, you just gotta love that! (we are a Catholic family in case you are not aware of it)
And you wonder why I am a zen mama....
The thing is, of all she has taught me about her practice, there is not one thing I don't find beautiful. Strike that-- it seems there is some practice of drinking pickled water with rice bits floating in it.. and I find THAT not so beautiful... but everything else is simply amazing. Frankly, I think I do the name disservice... but it holds a sentimental meaning for me-- so I maintain it. But, truth be told.. I am not zen in any way, shape, or form. I am frantic and explosive in emotions and spirit. I know no strangers. I will talk to a tree if left alone long enough. Yet, I learn from my peaceful sister so may things that I pass on to the masses.. and in that.. we are a complete circle.
And that folks, is the power of Zen.....


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs. I am getting caught up with you and your life. I am crying while I read them. I miss you. I love you. God bless my sister/cousin Jenny.

mumple said...

Wow. You seriously need to post more often.

Kayris said...

I agree with Mumple! Where have you been?