Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pass the Walker please..

When did I get old? I must have missed the memo.

I went to the movies on Friday night with my BFF for Girls Night. We went to see the movie "We Own the Night." When we got up to the counter to pay, I forgot what we were there to see. (ok- perhaps this IS a sign I am getting old) So I said to the kid-- baby-- child-- whatever-- taking my money.. "One for the Marky Mark movie."
And he said.... "who?"

Blank Face.

I mean come on! How do you not know who Marky Mark is? Has the Funky Bunch been banished to the archives with Mighty Mouse and the Fonze? Marky Mark doesnt sing anymore (ok, thank the heavens for that) but he is still around.. he acts!!! Frequently, in fact. Fairly well, in fact. Scrumptious , in fact. (hee hee) So really, how do the kids not know his self proclaimed nick name??
Because I am a well rounded woman, I was able to enjoy a good laugh over the whole fiasco with my BFF, but it still makes me a little sad. It seems, Marky Mark is a name that is now only known to the "older crowd", and I am a part of that crowd it seems.
Pass the Walker, and long live the Funky Bunch.


Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Don't feel bad. I told a younger friend today that we danced the night away to the original Life is a Highway when I was in HS. She said "are you serious? For us it was the Macarena."

Hey, Macarena! Isn't that for little kids? :D

Kayris said...

A couple of years ago, someone at work said something about Run DMC and this one kid goes, "Who?"

Seriously, I can't see Mark Wahlberg without thinking of him as Marky Mark. Shirtless.

mumple said...

OMG! I'm such a dork. I finally learned who Marky Mark was, and he's not Marky Mark anymore.

I'm such a dork!

But yeah, shirtless. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

This cracks me up!!

Similar things happen to me too. It never ceases to make me feel old.

So glad you are back.

zenjen said...

OMG Twin-- you crack me up-- I think of him shirtless too.. *wistful far away gaze* Hence why we are twins..
And Mumps-- You NEVER cease to make me laugh-- I just love you girls.
HEEEY-- Macerena!!!