Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Phantom Vibrations?

No, this is not an ode to Bay Area earthquakes. Nor is it a spooky tale just in time for Halloween.. well perhaps it is.
There is an actual phenomenon going on right now over this so called phantom vibrations. The story goes, if you are addicted to your phone or blackberry, that you may suffer from feeling the phantom vibrations when there is in fact, none. When you see people looking at their phone, feeling their phone, etc.. it could be perhaps due to this. They believe they are feeling something that isn't there-- and it is due to over use of technology.
I read the article and laughed. How absurd. And then I realized.. gulp-- um-- yeah-- that's me. Just this morning, I am ashamed to say. When working out after drop off, I tend to keep my phone tucked into my sports bra for lack of anywhere else to put it-- (don't laugh-- it works) and I was sure I missing a text or call. I kept feeling my phone to see if it was vibrating or not.. when it occurred to me that it looked like I was feeling myself up.
On base.
In front of other mommies.
And Daddies.
Some in uniform.
GROAN. (OK-- laugh now)
Also, I regularly feel my backside when I have my phone in my back pocket to see if it is vibrating or going off, or just plain there.. and so I am sure that gets equal amounts of looks. When did I become so embarrassing to myself???
Turns out-- I am part of the phenomenon!! I suffer from phantom vibrations! And-- to add to the pot-- I also appear that I have some weird form of torets syndrome but opt towards feeling myself up in various public areas rather than scream out profanity. Perhaps I should add that to my pot-- the shouting of various profanity -- might as well be rounded out after all. *eyeroll*
It is now of no surprise to me that my oldest doesn't want me to walk him into school anymore. Look for him on Dr Phil. Airing his woes of me on public TV. I will be the one sitting next to him, feeling myself up.


Sblanc said...

So you "feel" the phantom vibrations but not the ACTUAL vibrations huh?? Funny how that works - LOL

Kayris said...

Where the heck have you been!!!!! I was worried about you!

zenjen said...

I know! I have been MIA-- and for that I am sorry. I cant even say THAT much was going on.. just normal life stuff that kept me busy. But-- I am glad to rear my head back into the land of the living.. thanks Twin and Jen.. you guys rock! (still)

mumple said...

About Dayum Time!

I kept re-reading the one about your car, expecting it to have hidden meanings on where exactly the aliens put the probe.

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