Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Weather Update

I can't really be writing about the weather can I?
But yes, it appears I am.
I live in the Golden State. Right now we have had little to no rain so it is more like the dry and dusty state. Nothing is golden anymore, just this sad heartless brown color. We had about a minute of rain this weekend, leaving us with muddy grass because it forgot how to soak it up. This is upsetting because we may be the Golden State on paper, but in real life, we are the agriculture state. We grown fruits and veggies galore.
Here is the thing with growing things, we need water to do it. A state that is in drought conditions and rationing water will suffer when spring officially come along. I say officially because if I glance out my window right now, I will see my cherry tree blossoming already. It's February.
Normally, I try not to worry about these things. I have faith all things will work out in the end. But things are starting to look pretty desperate here. I mean, I couldn't remember how to turn the wipers on in the truck. That's how long it has been.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are going to be a small fortune to buy, meaning in order to stay healthy, our pocket book is gonna feel the pain.
Yet, here is the real concern. The grapes. The heartless brown color of the earth is doing great damage to the grapes of California. Gentle, gorgeous grapes; the main staple of the nectar of the Gods. All this lack of rain is ruining the wine crops. Oh the humanity! Local wineries are actually having rain dance ceremonies, ( complete with chiding publications stating "only come if serious").  See? I told you, things are getting serious over here.  I considered for a moment going to a rain dance, but somehow I don't think me getting jiggy with it is going to make the clouds appear. So instead, I do what every sane person does, look to the skies in earnest and stock up on the penny wine sales at the local BevMo.
Liquid Zen, boys and girls. Liquid Zen.

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