Thursday, May 17, 2007

Where has the time gone?

Here we are-- in May. And while I am glad that the year is slipping away-- I still am a bit taken aback by the fact that it is MAY! Tomorrow my youngest child "graduates" from preschool. They do the whole performance, dance skit and ceremony thing. I know it is ridiculous, but I pay a lot of money for that preschool so I am happy to have a big bash at the end of it all. And while all the planning, the buying, the preparing is happening.. I still can't believe it..... he is going into kindergarten.
I am there. I did it.
All those times I laid down at night over stressed, over tired, over weight (lol) only to get back up in less than an hour to feed a hungry baby yet again.. it all paid off. All the food I gave up to breast feed two kids back to back. For the wonderful job I gave up so I could be at home to care for my kids in their infant stage b/c "we" wanted me to. It all is over. It paid off. Now, here I stand with two school age kids. It kinda blows my mind a bit.
(enter nostalgic music and glossy memories)
Well enough of that-- now those two school age kids I was misty eyed over are battling it out for the last go-gurt.
So ends the reminiscent moment.


Lora draws with chalk said...

You are a brilliant authur! Hence, the authur pose for your blog! I am so glad you are doing this. My smile was actually starting to hurt my face! Keep it up, I look forward to reading more.
Smooches, smooches (hollywood stlye),

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Aw how sweet! Dang, I can't believe the boys are SO BIG even since the last picture I saw of them, which was coincidentally, the first day of school! *hugs*

mumple said...

I didn't realize that you and I have cosmic twins--the ready for kindergarten kind! lol.

I thought both your boys were older than the Howler.

I love this time--they're so interested in the whole world, but Mommy is still the center of it.

I'll try not to cry if you try not to cry, too.